Friday, March 15, 2013


Today I'm gonna rant about people my age. I'm not saying all of you are like that but some. Well, most.

Have you seen the young adult shelves at bookstores? They are filled with dark covered books with mysterious titles and a creepy girl or guy on it. Erm...

Sorry but I do not go for books like Twilight, Vampire Academy, Melissa Marr's books etc etc etc. Dude, I don't even read books by John Green. I know, I know. You might be saying I'm missing out a lot but those kind of books are just not for me. My mind will shut down when I open them. However, I have a few exceptions. When I say few, I meant two in my entire collection of books and I have a lot of books. Those two are like less than 2% of my collection. So yeah. And about 90% of my books are for kids aged 12 and below. I'll explain later.

If you know me, I have little or no tolerance for romance (unless you're talking about humorous dramas, TV shows or Disney films). I don't know, I just find myself cringing when I read books like that and I'll end up calling the character an idiot.

So what made me write this post? Well, I was surfing online and I came across an article about teen's choice in books. I read the article and they said something about teens loving books with romantic elements or books they could closely relate to. Basically books about suicide, insecurities, family problems etc. etc. all those problems most teens face.

Maybe it's because I have nothing I can relate to or just my low tolerance of romance but I absolutely dislike those kind of books. I just have a really weird taste in practically everything. I'm like the minority of teens. :(

Anyway, the article also said that if you're planning to write a novel for teens, if you do not have romantic elements in them, then you'd be losing out a very important selling point. Meaning your books won't sell as well as those with romance. Which I think is freaking stupid.

Teenagers and their stupid love addictions. I mean it's already annoying enough to see people tweeting about no one loving them or their break up, frustrations with their boyfriends etc etc. It's pissing me off that teens read way too much romance novels.

Is their love life not interesting? Are those novels a way to satisfy their love life fantasy or something? Face it, that nerd-jock or bad boy fairy tale is not going to come true. Reality is, the jock rarely fall for the nerd. So if you're a nerd and hoping for your drop dead gorgeous bad boy or sporty hunk to come sweep you off your feet etc, please, don't make me laugh.

Anyway, the article had written that publishers are confused and kinda sick of publishing works like that and they too, do not understand why teens love it but they just continue publishing those works because those are the ones that sells like hot cakes.

On instagram, when I see friend's post pictures of the books they're reading, in my head, I'm like, "They read that?" I cannot see how they would find that book interesting to read. No really. I've read the synopsis of it and it did not interest me one bit. Like I said, I am one weird child.

I'm the kind of person that loves to read about traditional fantasy. Not the modern fantasy about vampires, werewolves etc. I love books about warriors, heroes, wars, kingdoms, dragons, epic sword fights, magic, legends, curses, allies etc etc. Those had so much more adventure than the current modern fantasy that ties together with romance.

I find that modern fantasy is like a two-in-one. You may think two-in-one is good but what if I only like 1 element of it? I cannot find a modern fantasy books that does not have romance in them. Whereas there are some traditional fantasy books that do not have romance. Also, even if there were a pinch of it, their action and adventure definitely eats into the romance unlike modern fantasy.

Oh well, different people have different preferences right?

I'm beginning to think I'm really really weird... :/ Sometimes I think there might be something wrong with me. Am I the only one that dislike romance novels or books that most teens read? I don't even read Harry Potter even though it's a fantasy book with magic in them. It's kinda boring to me. Well, the movie was good but I read the first few chapters of the book and I snoozed.

Hunger games was good. Even though the movie was a disappointment. The second book is probably my favourite but the third book was... boring. It disappointed me because I was expecting so much for the final book. I stopped reading halfway because it was that boring.

Well, not all fantasy books are good too. There was one I read which sucks ass. It was so boring. I was already half of the book and there was no action yet. And I thought to myself "Who was the person who approved this manuscript?!" Have you ever read a book that sucks so much you think how were they even allowed to be published in the first place?

Anyway, I just find it really weird how all teen books must have romance in them or they wouldn't sell well. I guess I'll never understand.

I enjoy reading books for children half my age. That's because they have completely no romance (unless it's about some princess but it's not so dramatic/tragic like Twilight etc.) , pure imagination and creativity and the adventure you embark on when you read them is a lot better than those of vampire novels. Also, because I aspire to be a children's author, I like to surround myself with those books instead of the teen ones.

Ten years down the road, I'll be the only 26-year-old who reads children books because I am just that weird. ._. Well, it's not my fault I'm the minority or probably the only person who dislike romance novels. Maybe I'm not even from this planet. :O

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